Publicado : 2013-3-26
This planet is now visibly open for grabs.
Through the grid, through the nodules of the Chemtrails, one can reach or rediscover the I Am. Thus conjoining the inner god with the transcendent one, you being both, for there is only one.
Karl Rove has finally felt safe about homosexual marriage, while also today, a British gay teenager died because someone set him on fire at a party. And the Chemtrails increase, like the settlements: Some feel safely entrenched; some are desperate, reaching for the last bullets of manipulation, corruption and intimidation. All these being the tools of separation
The politicians are totally out of touch with the awakening world population. While the Queen, Bush father and Kissinger eternalize themselves, believing they bought a ticket for the last episode.
The world is a game and reality is subjective. You are the master of the universe. Your universe, with all its limitations and handicaps, a material universe seemingly bereft of soul.
A group of souls came to buy this planet. At the central stores of the galaxy we bought the franchising for the next game to be played on this planet, the EARTH 2.
Cosmic music is playing on the background, here they call it trance the actors are rehearsing, flexing their muscles a rattling of sabers
You devise the new universe, the earth where you will live. You affirm you are living it and it is materializing. It is simple and happens inevitably. The new version of the game IS ALREADY OPERATIONAL, you just have to download it mentally and activate it with your belief and your intention.
It is true that the last stage of the EARTH I is still running, though out of gas. It is called the Anglo-Saxon phase. Where the A-S vision of the world built on economicism and scientism and based on credit is devouring the world like a cancer.
If you observe your emotions and thoughts and see yourself acting and behaving you are becoming an actor, a user of the world console. Otherwise you are a character in the game of others. Their worldview, their mythology, their religion. Their game, their version of the game.
And you are sent to Irak, to Afghanistan. Or on jihad against Israel. Embedded in their fantasy
Rather go on jihad against whom and what you think you are. Go from character to actor, from puppet to director of your own film: Because you are your experience, you are your dimension.
The world is a mirror. A stage and a mirror. A playing ground
What is the real nature of this incarnation game? In theological terms: to be the transcendent in the imanent. In practical terms: to be both the field and the particle, to be both the fundamental awareness of being and the attention on your human body. To be the infinite while pervading this body.
Tags: #EnglishPolitical Fiction