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João Motta

Awakening Portugal Movement

Atualizado: 11 de jun. de 2019

Publicado : 2012-4-25

We endeavour to bring together, under the aegis of truth, spirit and culture all people who believe that another way of being in life is possible.

We believe that the Portuguese, as a universalist people, have something to give to the world. We believe that we can still be pioneers of consciousness and of awakening. We thus search for a way which can become universal and shared with humanity as a revelation of our essence.

We believe that peoples should be ruled by happiness and wellbeing indexes and not by the accumulation of abstract data which hide glaring inequalities and despise the dignity of the human being. We thus propose a society in which the right to a simple, agreeable and creative life be recognized to all.

We believe that union and oneness are possible. We feel that our individual and collective awakening movement is prompted by love and supported by light. We believe that, independently of the name one gives to it- god or universe-we are not alone on this Earth. We are part of a universe which is vibrant and conscious and which prods and supports us in this awakening.

We support and defend the values of ecology and of a harmonious and sustainable social and economic development. We deem it to be a priority the achievement of social justice and economic democracy. We want thus to create alternative options and networks- an infrastructure of love and fraternal solidarity- which could become an example of a more elevated and truly human way of sharing our experience on Earth.

We therefore propose a society centered and oriented towards the complete fulfillment of the individual, whose objective is the fulfillment of the creative potential of each person. We propose a model more based on being than on having or appearing.

We propose thus that the search for self knowing and self realization be the center, the engine and the north of a post-technological society, where the extraordinary discoveries of science will be comprehended by an integral worldview, the priority of which will be the unfoldment and realization the human spirit. This within the context of a planetary culture where people are what they are and do what they like and where social intervention in the collective destiny is given back to everyone.

Consciousness is global and universal; it connects us all and is individualized in each one. It manifests as solidarity. Solidarity for all, independently of their characteristics and circumstances. It shows as love in action, the recognition of the oneness which permeates and is our identity. This consciousness which we all feel takes in consideration the consequences of our actions, both for us and for the others.

We want to fuse the question of consciousness with the social, economic and political questions. The foundational option of our societies has been for materialism, which necessarily ends in the domination by money and in the oppression of the human dignity. Instead of that we propose to value the Self, people, consciousness and the solidarity within the One.

We want to contribute to overcoming the present crisis of values. We appeal to the listening of ourselves and of others, within the context of families, associations, boroughs, municipalities, parties, churches, ministries and even clubs, in order to deepen what we really want and then offer proposals and solutions towards overcoming present disorder and tendency to chaos.

We want to help transforming society on the basis of universal and spiritual principles and to develop an ecology of Self based on group solidarity and on a shared holistic vision. We want to recognize, develop and radiate love, brotherhood, cooperation and solidarity in the society as a whole, in the communities and in the larger family. We also want to promote the deepening of who we are in the context of a conscious universe and the return to the experience of oneness.

The Awakening Portugal Movement proposes the rebirth of the ethical and spiritual values in politics and in government´s and regional bodies? economical management so that we reach a society which values the spirit and man in what he most essentially is. The development of a neo-humanism and of an ecology of Being rest on the postulates that the individual is part of the cosmos and is linked to all kingdoms of nature. Thus, the responsibility of each conscious being is not only to preserve his environment, but also to establish a just relationship with all living beings, therefore promoting the balance amongst species and the respect for the cycles of Mother Nature.

The true right to citizenship, proceeding within the context of a new type of democracy more representative and participatory, would go through the election of a body ruled by ethical and spiritual principles and able to provide for the needs of its inhabitants: food, shelter and a creative occupation which benefits the community.

As the respect for the ecosystem comes from a systemic and planetary consciousness, it becomes essential to create a new wave of holistic trainers in the educational system. We will thus endeavor to develop and hold such trainings for individuals and groups. We propose to create in late 2012 an event of harmonic convergence which will bring together the imagination, the proposals and the efforts of many in a civic movement on a national scale.

We want to convene in the future a General Assembly of civil society committed to change in consciousness. Only thus and then can we go forward with common projects and concrete initiatives at a wider collective level.

We are also expressing the Portuguese Spiritual Tradition with a view to clarifying and spread the message of the Holy Spirit for the new era, as well as to awakening the latent spirituality in the Portuguese soul.

To us, the words Awakening Portugal mean: Awakening- the discovery of new levels of consciousness and the recognition of the essence that moves the universe. This awakening reveals the spirit in us and makes it possible to experience convergence and oneness. Portugal-a vessel which welcomes universality and plurality of forms.

Objectives of the Awakening Portugal Movement

to create and promote partnerships and interchanges, through the realization of events, videos and other forms of broadcasting, with a view to awakening the consciousness and the creative potential of each interact with all those who promote and dignify the human being, namely in the context of the emergence of a global awakening of consciousness and of a global social contribute to the creation of a new social structure which brings together spiritual and material affirm that all human beings are the creators of a new reality which will manifest in the near promote new and practical forms of people living together, where an integral vision can manifest, encompassing from the material, permaculture and the economic, to the social, the psychological, the psychic and the spiritual . Such collective and organic forms and environments would be based on love, point beyond the ego, ennoble common work and foster cooperation with nature´s wisdom.

We recognize and affirm our self-empowerment. We celebrate the divine in us. We are for oneness in spirit and plurality in form.

We endeavor to create a movement of convergence and unity in Portugal where all people of value and goodwill, coming from any areas, can participate in a spirit of sharing and unity. Let us give a voice to the new man that is arising!

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